Tuesday, January 18, 2011


My name is Robin and I LOVE watching T.V. and movies. But, as much as I love vegging out in my sweatpants, I feel like I'm wasting my final years of college. Sitting in my pajamas on Friday morning, meaning to be doing homework but really just watching SNL, it struck me that this would be the very activity that would be occupying my time that evening. 

How boring.

Yet this was my usual pastime every Friday night. This inspiration lead to a chain reaction of possibilities that filled my imagination throughout work and my daily jog. I came to the conclusion that I should start a blog that outlined my weekends, so that out of pure shame, I would feign from spending another sweats-wearing night of Facebook surfing.

I mean, who wants to read about that?

As soon as I got home, I ran into my roommate's room and told her that she should co-write the blog with me. At first, I think she was hesitant. However, that night we ended up falling asleep on the couch to "You've Got Mail" and I think she realized the benefits of my epiphany. And so, Another Dateless Weekend was born!

I now turn the keyboard over to my partner-in-dateless-crime, Liz.  

Robin is correct.

 I was skeptical at first. But really, who wants to admit that their life is boring and dateless. I didn't. 

I too do not mind a relaxing evening of movie watching and lounging in sweats. In fact, it's what I have done almost every weekend since September. Let's just say that having a broken heart does not equal having the desire to go out and have fun very often.

So, in an attempt to get out of my hermit state, I took Robin up on the offer to be her sidekick in the adventures of Another Dateless Weekend.

Let's kick this off with the story of our Martin Luther King Jr. Day adventure. We saw that the University was hosting a Candlelight Walk in honor of the holiday. 

It was windy, so they gave us paper cups to put our candles in. It wasn't all that successful. Liz had to re-light mine like 10 times.

I regret to say that it began to rain half-way through the walk, so my opportunities to take pictures were limited.

It was a really nice way to honor the Reverend. As we followed the color-guard we passed speakers playing King's famous speech, and large banners displaying his uplifting quotes.

That's all for now. Check back in on Sunday when will tell you about the Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband Concert we're going to on Friday!


  1. Those look like magical drinks you two are holding. Perhaps we will all benefit from what they have in store!

    Also, I like this idea. I can ask myself, "Hey, what're we going to do this weekend?" and finally have an answer. What time is the concert?!

  2. The concert is at 7:30 in the Wilkinson Student Center on the BYU campus! Everyone should come!

  3. I love this blog immensely! You gals fill my soul with gladness!
